Dianne Hackworth, Storyteller

Concerts and Residencies

Senior Citizen Groups

Discuss how they can use storytelling in everyday life or for performing Demonstrate how to make their life stories more interesting for telling Provide opportunities for telling and improving storytelling skills

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Special Population Groups

Techniques used with mainstream groups are easily adapted to fit the various needs and abilities of special populations. These groups excel in storytelling as it does not depend on high reading skills, attention span, or even mobility.

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General Information

Workshops can be arranged for teachers, parents, or community members and professionals who wanto utilize storytelling in their work or for enjoyment. There are also workshops for teachers who wan to teach storytelling in their classroom. Workshops can be from one hour to one day in length. Area of concentration varies, depending upon group make-up and need.

Basic Storytelling 

(Basic tips & story sources for all ages) 

Beyond the Basics 

(For the teller with some experience) 

Your Family Heritage 

(Collecting & developing the family stories) 

Integrating Storytelling into the Classroom Curriculum 

Organizing Your Own Storytelling Festival

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Workshop Topics


Storytelling Basics 

Covers basics of storytelling: Finding, adapting, writing tales; how to learn a story; performance skills. 

Teacher As Storyteller 

Yes! You too can tell stories!!! As a teacher, you have all the necessary skills to tell. Discover easy & painless methods of learning to tell . 

Student Storytelling 

Use storytelling to increase student's interest in reading, writing, communicating skills 

Storytelling and the Curriculum 

Storytelling is both an art form and an excellent teaching tool. Find out how storytelling can be used in language arts, history, social studies, science, and (believe it or not!) math!!! 

Organizing Your Storytelling Festival 

Storytelling Festivals can be used for fund raising, PTO programs, or to show off talent. Learn to create and plan a day-long or evening event.

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Workshop Topics


Basic Storytelling Techniques 

Adapted for novice or experienced tellers 


Collecting and Telling Family or Community Tales 

Mine the stories of your life and pass them on! 


Developing A Business Plan 

Know what your plan is, so you know when you succeed! 


Finding Your Storytelling Niche 

Don't blindly follow someone else, create your own place in storytelling 


Putting the WOW in Your Storytelling 

Connect with your audience through use of various techniques 


Self Marketing For Tellers, The Business of Telling 

Those Who Fail To Plan, Plan To Fail

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